Coaching and support for families of people who have been accused of a crime or are currently incarcerated


Welcome Evolving Prisons Listeners


Since you are here, you must have heard my interview with Kaigan Carrie on the Evolving Prisons podcast. I hope you enjoyed our conversation and benefited from it. I enjoyed talking to Kaigan. She is a wonderful host who is passionate about improving the inhumane experiences faced behind bars.

I'm passionate about providing support to those who are supporting a loved one involved in the vast Department of Corrections system. This is such an isolating and traumatizing experience, I don’t want anyone to have to face it alone like I did in the beginning.

I am grateful something moved you to visit my site. Welcome!

  • Did my story resonate with you in some way?

  • Do you or someone you know have a loved one who is incarcerated or facing legal charges?

  • Do you or someone you know need emotional support due to having a loved one in prison or jail?

  • Did you just want to learn more about that voice you heard on the podcast?


Whatever your reason, I'm glad you are here.

Below you’ll find an invitation to connect with me in a number of ways, including a FREE call with me, and one on one support at a discounted rate just for listeners of Evolving Prisons. I encourage you to find a way to connect that feels good for you and meets you where you are right now. Because any friend of yours is a friend of mine, I would be honored to extend all of the offers on this page to any friend of yours, just forward this information to them. Also, look around the site to learn more and see the newest resources available to help you manage the trauma involved with dealing with our prison system.





Trauma Recovery walks trauma survivors through a step-by-step, 90-day journey to healing.  If you have either experienced trauma in the past, or you are weathering the storm of a traumatic situation right now, you’re likely searching for relief from the pain; relief from fear, guilt, and anxiety.  You may even be searching for a way to rebuild a life that has been shattered.  If so, I get it.  Even though you and I have different lives and different experiences, the one thing we do have in common is that we have both faced trauma.  I’ve been through trauma and come out the other side stronger by using the skills you’re going to learn in this planner.  I’ve helped others to do the same. 

I’d like to help you, too. 

Available at:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Begin your journey to finding peace even during times of crisis with my FREE eSeries



I know from personal experience how overwhelming and scary it can be to have a loved one in prison.  It can feel like YOU are in prison, too. 

You deserve to feel happy.  To feel great.  You can.  In my 21-day Find Peace Now email series I will share with you the exact daily practices I used to find peace, and that I’ve taught to my clients.

the FOTA project Ongoing Support Means
You Don’t Have To Face This Alone

It’s easy to get support with a special discount
for Evolving Prisons listeners.


How it works: 

We’ll meet privately together by phone or video meeting every week.  (More often if you feel you need it.)   First, we’ll talk about your unique situation and the challenges you’re facing.  Then I’ll work with you to create a plan to get you through this crisis, and come out the other side stronger. 


  • Tools and training for managing the fear, anxiety and overwhelm you’re probably feeling.  

  • Ongoing support. Whatever is going on in your life—good, bad, or crazy—you’ll know that each week you’ll be getting the one-on-one support you need.  

  • Connection with someone who “gets” what you’re going through.

  • A nonjudgmental space where you can say what you want and feel safe doing it.  (Sometimes you just gotta vent!  I know!)  

I am on your side.  I’ll walk beside you on this difficult journey, and work with you to make sure you weather this storm and have a great life.   

I’ve done it.  You can, too.  I will help you. And I have a special 10% discount for Evolving Prisons listeners, just call and mention that you heard about FOTA on Evolving Prisons.