I’m one of them now…

My very first visit with my son in prison did not go as expected.  In the week leading up to the visit I checked the prison’s website to see what the rules were, then I called the prison to reserve a spot for the upcoming weekend.  I knew I would have to drive several hours to get there, so I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be denied a visit.   The guard I spoke to was surprisingly helpful and informative.  She spent 20 minutes on the phone with me going over the rules, telling me what I can and can’t wear or bring to the prison.  She even noticed that I would be driving from quite a distance and made sure to tell me not to be late, because they only let visitors in during a small window of time in the morning.  I would have to leave my house at about 3am to get there on time. 



When I arrived for my visit, I began preparing myself for the invasive pat down I had been warned about.  I watched the guard let a couple of people through who had arrived just before me, then she turned to me.  I recognized her voice from our phone call and she remembered me too!  But then her smile faded quickly, and she told me I wouldn’t be able to visit my son that day.  Her computer had been down since our call and she hadn’t been able to enter my visit into the system.  Others before me had their visits entered just fine, but not mine.  The guard was apologetic, but there was nothing she could do. 


I asked her why she hadn’t called, knowing I would be driving a number of hours.  Her only reply was a blank look.  At that point it hit me: why would she bother to call? 

I’m truly one of ‘them’ now.  The class of people who visits prison.

End Note: It took some time for me to begin meeting others in the same ‘class’ as me. Other family members who are supporting a loved one in prison. Frankly, I couldn’t be happier to be one of ‘them’. I’m honored to be among those who stand by loved ones through thick and thin.


I Was Overwhelmed With Feelings of Fear, Panic, Guilt and Isolation